The first hike we took was from Grand Etang to Concord Falls and took us about 3 1/2 hours.
Looking up to see members of our party way ahead (and above) us
Looking back across the hills down to St. George anchorage in the background. It was a cool misty day up in the mountains, a welcome relief from the heat in the valley.
Finally getting to the falls was a cooling reward.
The only monkeys we saw were at the end of the hike. They were semi-free, free to jump around the trees and bushes, but with a small rope, loose on one end and tied around their middle at the other end. There were a few times that the rope got caught as they were swinging around the vines.
We returned to Concord Falls a few weeks later to celebrate a friend's birthday. This time we took a much shorter hike from the west, just to the falls.
The rains had been coming down raising the water level in the streams making the crossings a bit more challenging.
The falls had a lot more water pouring over them. This is the same view as the top picture.
And getting under them was a bit more intense.
With a bit more debris floating in the water. Happy Birthday Bobbi!
With the rains came the butterflies, flitting all around.
And finally, no post about hiking in Grenada would be complete without a mention of hashing. The Grenada Hash House Harriers (GH3) is a very active group. They are part of the international group, the Hash House Harriers, a noncompetitive social running club often describing themselves as drinkers with a running problem.
The GH3 hold weekly hashes, setting up trails through the bush. We had the opportunity to participate in a few of these.
Hundreds of people sliding down the hillsides
A gentleman asked me to stop and pose among the bamboo. You can't see the sweat pouring down my face in this picture.
After the hash is the social gathering, food and drinks, and locals displaying talents with their soccer balls.
Hiking and hashing in Grenada was a great way to get off the boat, meet people and explore other parts of Grenada.
A good time was had by all.
We love to hear your comments.
What a fun adventure! You two look great!!
Thanks Charlotte, we are having a blast!
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