Monday, April 29, 2024

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Fall Down Under

 The leaves are turning colors, the nights are getting longer and the days shorter, temperatures are dropping. April in Australia is the middle of the autumn. 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

A Different Perspective

 Sydney Opera house, 

from the perspective of a building contractor. Bob is the type of person who will stop a movie to point out those "nice doors". The following video clips give a glimpse into what he is thinking when he looks at buildings. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Our First Outing in Sydney

 A sunny afternoon on day one in ‘Oz’ , as the locals call it, and Sarah and I walked about a mile to the Art Museum of New South Wales.  About 70 degrees and calm as we experience ‘down under’ autumn. This quite large spider commands attention outside the entrance.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

And they are off...

 But where to?

Our journey began in the morning with a short ferry ride to a waiting taxi to the airport. We asked the manager at the marina where Rhapsody is staying to book a taxi for us. I overheard the woman describing us to the taxi driver, "An old couple, with 2 suitcases". I think this is the first time I have heard myself described this way, and this sparked a conversation between Bob and me (and Google). What is considered old? When do we cross into elderly? Apparently there are accepted guidelines for this, and Google says old begins in your 50's and "officially" you are elderly beginning at 65. Sigh... really not ready for someone to describe me as an elderly lady!

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Ahh, boat life!

" So, how long are you planning on cruising?"

"As long as it is fun."

"Is it still fun?"

"Depends. What day is it?"

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Swimming with the whales!

Tonga is known for its annual migration of humpback whales coming to mate and calve. Every July to October, they migrate from the Antarctic to Tonga. In July and August new babies are born and if you can time it right and get lucky, you may have an opportunity to swim near a mother and her calf.