We stopped overnight at Klein Curaçao on our sail from Bonaire to Curaçao. We arrived as the day tripping boats from Curaçao were leaving, and we left in the morning as they began to show up, full of tourists, perfect timing on our part, in my opinion!
One of the few structures on the island is the lighthouse. It has a very phallic quality to it, don't you think?
The huts on the island are a commercialized version of what someone would expect to find on a tropical island. They are in no way typical of buildings we see on other islands. I think they are built this way to enhance the experience for the day trippers that come over from Curaçao.
Scattered across the sand were hermit crabs, scuttering around, and retreating back into their shells when I got too close.
And on my early morning swim I got to follow a turtle swimming along. Click here for the video.
We fell asleep to the blinking of the lighthouse. Two white flashes every 15 seconds, the signature of Klein Curaçao.
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